Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Monster Hunting and Cross Stiching

The Lagiacrus, the star monster from Monster Hunter Tri. The electric water lizard.

So I’ve been spending some time here and there during my break to finishing up some cross stitch pieces I started around a year ago. These are actually my first cross stitch pieces (of official game pixel art (read: not my original art)), but cross stitching (so far) has been super easy to learn. If you have any amount of patience and are willing to redo things (and print out your pattern from pixel art online), then you’re basically set to pass beginner cross stitching with flying colors.

The Great Jaggi, the first boss in most Monster Hunter games, both the easiest and hardest monster you’ll ever face.

Anyway, listening to someone go on and on about cross stitching probably isn’t the most interesting thing in the world, so instead let’s talk about what I actually cross stitched. For most of you guys the word “Great Jaggi” or “Lagiacrus” should not strike fear into your heart. For the few who know about what I’m talking about you’re probably a niche player of a game called Monster Hunter.

Monster Hunter is a Japanese real time action game focus on (you guessed it) hunting monsters. People usually say it’s similar to Dark Souls (or the more obscure Shadow of the Colossus) for those of you who like that franchise. Personally I played Dark Souls for about an hour before I quit because the game maps were seriously creeping me out, but the game mechanics were familiar.

And it has battle cats, what’s there not to love.

Basically you control a character that can wield one of several badass weapons: Great Sword, Long Sword, Dual Blade, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Switch Axe, etc, etc, and you go out into these maps to hunt monsters several times your size. The game is real time so you have to actively dodge things like dragon breath, tail whips, and giant rolling lizards, while also attempting to deal crippling damage to said monster using your weapon of choice.

My personal weapon of choice: the Hunting Horn. Make sweet music as I bash skulls in.

This game is really great for people who like skill based action games, there’s no real way to cheat in a boss fight, or to suite up in an OP ensemble so you can mindlessly mash A. It’s also infuriating when it’s the 15th time you’re fighting this neon blue green dinosaur with exploding arms, and you get your ass handed to you every single time. But for the masochistic and/or the overconfident, this could be the game for you.
We meet again neon blue green dinosaur with exploding arms *cough* I mean Brachydios.

Right now the newest Monster Hunter game released in the U.S. is for the 3DS (and WiiU I believe) called Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I actually haven’t progressed too far in it for 1. lack of time 2. these new monsters… I suck so bad. But! Hit me up for local co-op if you wanna relive your childhood memories of being connected to another kid’s game boy via usb cable. An older version (that I suck less at) that’s just as fun is Monster Hunter Tri (which is for the Wii) which you can do local co-op  with two controllers, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (for the 3DS) which I also own.

A Monster Hunter ad in Tokyo wishing you a happy New Year (and reminding you to buy the game).

There’s a new one slated to come out this summer called Monster Hunter X! I saw a lot of ads for the game while I was in Japan (it’s freaking huge there - like people will play with random strangers on trains as their commuting to work huge!) and while I’m excited...I should probably finish up MH4U before I buy the next one.

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