Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Updated Portfolio Site!

So I just updated my portfolio site, it’s been a good 2 years since I’ve changed it’s looks. I wasn’t resonating with how I was portraying myself there anymore so it was time. It’s pretty amazing how much you see yourself change in just two short years.
Here’s what it looked like before:
There was an easter egg where if you clicked the paint tube she would wink.

Despite doing more illustrating now than I have two years ago I considered myself more of an artist back then than I do now. Though I really do have to thank this blog for helping me develop my my personal style, if you look back at my first few comics there’s a noticeable difference in quality. I do feel that artistic style isn’t something you work towards… I tend to go for art that looks more like

I was a huge fan of ProdigyBombay back in the day…

My personal work seems to be pretty orthogonal to the type of stuff I like. But I’m chill with that.

You know what’s the worst thing in the world? Writing short personal statements. Usually I find them sounding like utter bullshit for example: “I’m an explorer of deep meaningful caves and enjoy writing css in my spare time,” I swear most of them sound like you have your pinky up your ass (or arse if we’re being fancy). I mean who talks like that? My last one is pretty cringy.

Can you tell I’m pulling this out of my ass?

I can’t say that my new one is spectabulous but it does the job and makes me want to barf less. Let me know if you have a better tag line I could use.

Some other gems I found were in the project descriptions. Sometimes I find that I just have no filter, and left the kinda stuff you probably shouldn’t sneak in there for your future employer. This time around I found myself deleting unnecessary cheek. Some descriptions I had for things I did (aka. skizzles) were:
  • Had fun “testing”
  • Saving money: dissecting old and broken printers for their insides
  • Assembly: “Why is this crooked??” Just kidding. But only a little.

Now hopefully this iteration of my site lasts for a couple more years before I need to molt.

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